
Regional Variety – part I

Unique bottle stoppers

Unique bottle stoppers is a series of exclusive, lovingly hand-painted stoppers with a lot of attention to detail. The richness of the flora and fauna of Varmia and Masuria as well as the legends passed from generation to generation like the Fish king and Goblin Kłobuk were the inspiration for creating the bottle stoppers. The stoppers have decorations referring to regional cultural heritage and the rich traditions of tile- art. You can give them as a gift, separately or in sets, or collect them for yourself. In 2018 the bottle stoppers won the first prize in the competition ‘Regional Souvenirs from Varmia and Masuria’.
Prices from 35 PLN


Parenting scarves

Masurian Textiles is a social enterprise with the mission of reviving old Masurian weaving tradition by reconstructing folk art crafts. The organisation focuses not only on collecting and sharing knowledge but, it also conducts handicraft workshops, recreates Masurian folk textiles and brings them back ito the public. On facebook you can buy linen yarns dedicated to handicrafts, linen weaving products, textiles, scarves, towels, klima etc. The flagship product is beautiful, hand-woven, linen scarves used as baby sling.
Yarns from 75 to 345 PLN
Baby sling scarves 1500-1700 PLN

FB Mazurskie Tkaniny

Back to the roots – Kajka’s Museum

The road between the lake and the hill is old and historic. The road leads from the parish Klusy to the village Ogródek where the second house on the right used to belong to Kajka family in 1884 Michał Kajka, the owner, a carpenter and a folk poet and his wife Wilhelmina from the Karasie family settled down in Ogródek. There was a museum opened in 1968 and another exhibition, opened in 2014, exceeding the biography of Kajka. This significant poet represented a wider phenomenon which was the development of Masurian writing in the XIX century. The exhibition is mainly of literary character. What is important is the geographical-historical context that shows essential elements from the history of Masuria (as a southern part of Eastern Prussia), from the history of Masurian literature and Kajka’s life and creations. It is not the aim of the exhibition to show the history of Masuria and its inhabitants but to show peculiar and unique in Poland and Europe literature as a manifestation of the unique Masurian culture surrounded by German-Prussian-Polish influence and relationships.


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